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Нажмите сдесь чтобы увидеть перевод описание на русском Rapid Fat Loss & Energy Booster! The first time I showed someone the transparent red bottle of Charge!® ASF and told them it would do all of those wonderful things, they laughed at me. When I added "…and it will only take two capsules", they just about had a fit. There’s no way around it. If you overeat, you’ll never arrive at your destination of a camera-ready physique -a body of shapely curves or concrete muscle. But controlling your appetite can be really tough. As you eat less and become leaner, your appetite frequently grows in ferocity and your energy levels take a nosedive. It’s enough to make you want to go back to the kitchen table and forget the whole thing. It takes a much bigger kick in the pants to get you fired up and ready for the gym –or for your day! That’s why Ephedra-Free Charge!® ASF was developed. Charge!® ASF allows you to keep your energy levels up at the same time that you curb senseless overeating and accelerate fat loss. You Need to Do More Than Just ‘Stimulate Your Metabolism Marketers of fat-loss products talk a lot about artificially stimulating your metabolism (your calorie-burning rate.) But in the war on fat, it’s far more important to curb overeating. Unfortunately, your tendency to overeat is programmed into your DNA –your genes. It’s been that way for hundreds of thousands of years. Help comes in the form of Ephedra-free Charge!®ASF. Its unique fusion of plant-derived molecules enable you to curb senseless overeating so you don’t feel restricted. To boot, Charge!® ASF helps you maintain your ‘fire’ in the gym, whether you’re running on the treadmill or clanging plates at the squat rack. You’ll Be Shocked to Learn This! Stimulants like ephedrine prompt your body to artificially increase its metabolic rate without there being a real physiological need to do so. It’s a dead end as far as noticeable fat loss goes. And in some people it’s caused nasty side effects like anxiety, high blood pressure, increased heart rate, and the ‘jitters.The irony is that most stimulants only increase metabolism by a very small amount compared to the big increase in metabolic rate you get from working out. To Get Leaner, You MUST Curb Overeating! In fact, it only takes a few extra bites of food –just a little bit of overindulgence-- to completely override any metabolism-elevating effect achieved by artificial means such as when you use an ephedra-based product. The secret to getting the body you really want is to suppress your appetite for calories you don’t need in a way that doesn’t leave you feeling restricted –or low in energy. You need to be able to fly through your workouts with power and enthusiasm! Charge!® ASF Works with Any Diet to Help You Get Ripped! My Labrada Nutrition R&D Team formulated Charge!® ASF to give you the appetite suppression, energy boost, and fat-burning control you need, no matter what kind of diet you’re on. But Charge!® ASF is especially effective when used with high-protein, moderate-carbohydrate diets. When you eat fewer carbs, you burn more fat. Fantastic, right? Yes, however, this fat-burning fire frequently sets your appetite ablaze. Meanwhile, your energy levels tank. "Charge! is awesome. It really helps me stay lean and in top shape for photo shoots and fitness competitions."
- Michelle Sharp, Fitness Model Carbs or No Carbs, Calorie Control is Critical! On the other hand, when you eat a low-fat diet you often crave the taste of fatty foods! The bottom line is that carbs or no carbs, you must take charge your appetite and keep your fat-burning metabolism screaming! Lose control of your appetite, or allow your fat-burning metabolism to weaken, and you’ll end up getting softer rather than harder, fatter rather than leaner. The Fat Loss Accelerating ‘Fusion’ of Charge!® ASF In developing Charge!® ASF, I had my Labrada R&D team assemble a formula of plant-derived molecules with complementary features: catechins from Green Tea Leaf, methylxanthines from Guarana, biogenic amines from Bitter Orange, and more. It’s a case of 1+1+1 = 6. The Green Tea catechins act synergistically with methylxanthines in the Guarana and synephrine in the Bitter Orange to give you a metabolic advantage they can’t provide on their own. Yet Charge!® ASF is still ‘jitter-free.’ No irritability, no anxiety, no cold sweats. NO EPHEDRA. Charge!® ASF: The Highest Concentration of EGCG Available! One of the most important catechins in green tea leaf is epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). I picked Charge!® ASF’s green tea leaf extract to give you the highest EGCG concentration available! Plus, Charge!® ASF has 50% more synephrine (from Bitter Orange) than the ‘leading’ ephedra-free fat-burning formula. Charge!® ASF: Feel the Charge! Finally, I had my R&D Team formulate Charge!® ASF’s proprietary ‘Thermoblend’ with L-tyrosine to help you re-stock fat-mobilizing neurotransmitters in your brain (e.g.,norepinephrine) as soon as they’re released by the synergistic combination of Green Tea, Guarana and Bitter Orange. With all this extra EGCG, synephrine and neurotransmitter-replenishing power, you can expect: 1. Enhanced mental drive and energy (awesome workouts!)
2. Faster fat-burning rate (accelerated fat loss!)
3. Control overeating (without feeling restricted!) "Wow! Charge! definitely takes energy boosters to the next level of perfection!" - Giancarlo Forni, National N.P.C. Competitor Re-Charge your Energy Levels, Curb Overeating, Burn More Fat: Take Charge!® ASF!! Who’s in control of your physical appearance? You or your appetite? Prevent your energy levels from tanking. Avoid overeating. Lose body fat ---much faster than you are now. Invest in the transparent red bottle of Charge!® ASF today! It only takes two capsules to begin your transformation.  

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